Many people feel under attack from negative entities and seek protection. In this article, I’ll explore the nature of both positive and negative entities, their intentions, and the impact they have on our lives. I’ll also share practical steps to protect yourself from harmful influences.
As a psychic medium and grief counselor, I’ve helped many people affected by negative energies. Drawing on that experience, I’ll discuss the origins, manifestations, and effective strategies for prevention and removal of these disruptive forces.
Personal Story: Overcoming Attachments and Negative Energies
As someone who has encountered attachments and sometimes still hears and feels negative entities due to my mediumship abilities, I understand how challenging this can be. Yet, through the exact steps outlined in this article, I’ve been able to overcome these experiences and reclaim control over my energetic space and life.
This journey has taught me that while sensitivity to energies can feel like a vulnerability, it’s also a profound gift when managed with clear boundaries and self-empowerment. I hope my insights help guide you on your path to mastery over your own energy field, as they have guided me on mine.
What Are Negative Energies and Entities?
Negative energies and entities are spirits characterized by malevolence, darkness, and harmful intent. These entities seek to influence and manipulate people for their own purposes. They feed off of what we call negative emotions, such as fear, anger, despair, and even excessive doubt.
Negative and demonic entities exist on lower vibrational planes of existence and, by their nature, lack the creative power that humans possess. These entities are drawn to the human world because they seek to influence, distort, and feed off the energy that humans create.
Negative entities can only create through the power of humans. Humans possess a profound spiritual creation power that allows us to manifest reality through our thoughts, words, and actions. This power is a reflection of the divine spark within us — the part of our being that is connected to the higher realms of existence. However, this same power can also be manipulated or misused, especially when we are not mindful of our spiritual state.
Negative entities can only work through us if we allow them to, by succumbing to fear, anger, hatred, or other lower vibrational emotions long enough to attract them.
When a person is consumed by negativity or darkness, they create an energetic opening that these entities can exploit. Negative entities begin to whisper doubts, magnify fears, encourage destructive behaviors and seek to derail us from spiritual sovereignty. But it’s important to remember that these entities have no power of their own; they can only influence and manifest through the creative energy that we, as humans, possess.
In addition to negative entity attachments, human spirit attachments can also have ill intent and are draining to our energies. But for this article, I will be focusing exclusively on negative entities possessing free will, who are capable of breaching the boundaries of our reality through portals.
Negative entities frequently target those with a spiritual calling to help others. They sow doubt, incite discord, and even inflict physical or psychological harm.
I have worked with both adults and children on this type of issue and have observed instances where these entities manipulate children and adults alike into committing harmful actions—even against their better judgment—leading to potential consequences from authorities or loved ones. People I've worked with frequently describe feeling coerced by these entities, unable to resist their influence.
How Negative Entities Can Find Us
It is important to understand that our DNA has been discovered to function as a sort of antenna, capable of transmitting and receiving frequencies. This means that our very genetic makeup is attuned to the energetic environment around us.
Negative entities can pick up on the frequencies of our DNA and our hearts, particularly when we resonate with lower vibrational states, such as fear and anger. The HeartMath Institute has found that the heart generates a powerful electromagnetic field, with vibrations that both emanate out from us and influence our emotional and physical well-being.
When our heart is aligned with positive emotions, it creates a protective vibrational state that can repel negative entities. Conversely, when we are in states of distress, the heart’s vibration can become weakened, making us more susceptible to negative influences.
Lastly, environments imbued with negativity, trauma, and spiritual unrest may attract such entities consistently, amplifying their presence and impact.
Common Origin Theories of Negative Entities
Spiritual Corruption and Ancient Gods
While demons and negative entities are most commonly understood as supernatural entities associated with malevolence, their origins and nature vary across different belief systems.
In Christian theology, they are commonly viewed as fallen angels, cast out for rebelling against God and now acting as agents of evil—the result of spiritual decay or perversion. Originally divine beings, they became corrupted over time due to their separation from divine principles or rejection of spiritual truths.
However, in pre-Christian civilizations, many demons were once revered as gods or protective spirits, like Pan and Baal who were both once revered as helper spirits, but now potential forces of negativity.
In my experience, I believe both of these to be true.
Interdimensional Beings
Also referred to as extradimensional, extraterrestrial, and alien, some negative entities come from alternate dimensions or parallel realities, entering our world through portals and energetic disturbances. I have also seen this many times in my practice, often times with new channelers.
Psychological Manifestations
This theory suggests that demonic/negative entities are symbolic representations of deep-seated psychological phenomena within the human psyche, such as unresolved traumas, fears, and negative emotions.
I have personally witnessed this in individuals who have been affected by negative entities for extended periods, as the human mind often clings to outdated thought patterns.
Cosmic Balance
Demons and negative entities are sometimes viewed as necessary aspects of cosmic balance, serving as catalysts for growth and transformation by challenging individuals to confront and overcome their shadow aspects. When we view them from this perspective, it becomes much easier to command our space and disconnect from these entities.

The Torment Inflicted by Negative Entities
Negative entities can cause significant torment, impacting a person's mental, emotional, and physical well-being. Those who are susceptible may experience increased anxiety, depression, unexplained physical issues, and environmental disturbances. Following this overview of how negative entities operate, I outline common symptoms of attachment and provide strategies for protecting against and removing their influence.
5 Common Ways That Negative Entities Operate
1—Preventing Human Spirits from Moving on After Death
Negative entity attachments can impede the transition of human spirits to the afterlife, trapping them in a state of limbo, unrest, and fear. Unresolved trauma, attachments to the material world, and the influence of malevolent forces can hinder the soul's journey beyond the earthly realm. Furthermore, the fear of judgment or punishment may compel spirits to linger, unable to find solace or redemption. For more information about this phenomenon, check out this article I wrote about human spirit attachments.
2—Feeding off Negative Energy
Negative entities thrive on chaos and discord, seeking to disrupt harmony and sow division wherever they go. They may haunt tormented individuals that often emit heightened levels of such energies for various reasons—including feeding off of negative emotions, exploiting vulnerabilities, and aggravating psychological disturbances.
Negative entities often exacerbate preexisting psychological disturbances in tormented individuals, such as depression, anxiety, and psychosis. By amplifying these disturbances, they can further destabilize the individual's mental and emotional state, deepening their torment.
3—Exploiting Vulnerabilities
Tormented individuals may be more psychologically and spiritually vulnerable, making them easier targets for this type of manipulation and influence. Negative entities may exploit these vulnerabilities to exacerbate the individual's suffering and maintain control over them.
4—Resonance with Darkness
Tormented individuals may already be in a state of spiritual turmoil or darkness, which resonates with the malevolent energies of negative entities. They may be drawn to such individuals due to resonance with their dark nature (vibrational matching), intensifying the individual's suffering through their presence and influence.
5—Deceptive Tactics
Negative entities often employ deceptive tactics to manipulate individuals by convincing them they are part of an exclusive, elite group of interdimensionals/extradimensionals/extraterrestrials, dieties, spirits, aliens, etc. This illusion of belonging to a special, secretive mission plays on a person's desire for significance, inflating the ego and creating a sense of superiority. These entities will then use this false sense of importance to compel the person to take certain actions or follow specific directives, all under the guise of fulfilling a grand purpose.
The true mission of these negative entities is not to empower but to control. By inflating the ego, they distract people from their genuine spiritual path, diverting them from their true mission of personal growth and service to others.
Instead of fostering authentic spiritual development, this manipulation leads to confusion, isolation, and a disconnection from their higher self and divine purpose. Recognizing and breaking free from this manipulation is essential for reclaiming spiritual sovereignty and staying aligned with one's true path.
Common Symptoms of Negative Entity Attachments
While the symptoms of negative entity attachments can sometimes be obvious, they are often more subtle, particularly for adults. However, for children, these experiences can be very clear and frightening because they are usually more in tune with their psychic senses.
Here Are 7 More Subtle Symptoms of Negative Entity Attachments
1—Sudden Mood Swings
Experiencing extreme or unexplained changes in mood—such as sudden feelings of anger, sadness, or fear without a clear reason—can happen to anyone from time to time. However, when these emotional shifts become chronic or feel overwhelmingly intense, and there's no identifiable cause in your daily life, it's worth considering the possibility of external negative spiritual influences. These influences can amplify and distort emotions, making individuals feel out of control or unlike themselves. Seeking spiritual guidance and clearing practices can help alleviate these imbalances.
2—Chronic Fatigue
Persistent exhaustion that doesn’t improve with rest can be a subtle yet significant symptom of a spirit or entity attachment. This type of fatigue often feels different from typical tiredness; it may be accompanied by a pervasive sense of heaviness, as if an unseen weight is pressing down on you.
Many individuals experiencing this symptom report feeling emotionally and spiritually drained, even after a full night's sleep or extended periods of rest.
This exhaustion can manifest as a lack of motivation, difficulty concentrating, and an overall sense of disconnection from oneself and one's environment. It's important to note that this is not merely the result of physical fatigue or stress; it often feels like an energetic depletion that cannot be replenished through ordinary means.
If you find yourself in this state regularly, especially when coupled with other symptoms like mood swings or anxiety, it may be beneficial to explore spiritual cleansing practices.
3—Negative Thoughts
A sudden onset of intrusive, dark, or self-destructive thoughts that feel foreign or out of character can be a strong indicator of negative entity attachment or influence.
These thoughts may arise unexpectedly, often in stark contrast to your typical mindset or emotional state, leaving you feeling unsettled or confused.
While everyone experiences negative thoughts occasionally, those influenced by entities often feel particularly invasive, persistent, and difficult to shake, as if they are not entirely your own. Negative entities are known to exploit our natural telepathic abilities, subtly implanting thoughts into our minds. Because telepathy is an innate human capacity, these implanted thoughts can seem indistinguishable from your own internal dialogue. You may find yourself suddenly grappling with fear, doubt, anger, or despair, even when there’s no immediate cause. In severe cases, these thoughts can be destructive or self-sabotaging, such as feelings of unworthiness, thoughts of harm, or irrational fears.
These entities use telepathy as a tool to try and weaken your mental and emotional state, distorting your perception and making you more vulnerable to further influence. It’s crucial to pay attention to the nature and frequency of these thoughts. If they seem to come out of nowhere, feel out of character, or don’t align with your usual beliefs, it may indicate an external influence.
4—Unexplained Physical Issues
Developing unusual physical symptoms can be a subtle sign of negative entity attachments, particularly when these symptoms elude medical explanation. Often, individuals find themselves visiting healthcare professionals only to be told that their symptoms do not have a clear medical diagnosis. This can lead to frustration and a sense of helplessness, as the physical discomfort persists without any identifiable cause.
5—Disrupted Sleep
Experiencing nightmares, night terrors, or waking up at odd hours with a sense of dread or the feeling of being watched can be sign of negative entity presence and often is. However, it's essential to consider that they can also stem from psychological factors within the mind. Nightmares and night terrors often reflect our inner fears, anxieties, and unresolved issues. They can serve as manifestations of stress, trauma, or emotional turmoil that the subconscious mind is processing.
6—Feelings of Oppression, Being Watched or Followed
While it is subtle for most adults, these sensations can be very strong for children and should not be ignored.
7—Feeling Isolated
Negative entities often attempt to isolate individuals from those who are trying to help them by planting seeds of doubt and spreading lies about the person offering support. This tactic is designed to sever the connection between the individual and their source of guidance, leaving them more vulnerable to the entity's influence.

Identifying Entity Attachments in Physical Locations
Negative entity and demonic attachments can also manifest in physical locations, leaving behind traces of their presence. Places with a history of violence, trauma, or spiritual unrest are particularly susceptible to such influences.
Signs of entity attachments in physical locations may include feelings of heaviness or dread, unexplained phenomena like some of the signs mentioned above, and a palpable sense of unease or discomfort.
Do you need help with negative entities? Tap below to book a session with me.
Strategies for Avoidance and Removing Negative Energies and Entities
Preventing and removing negative entity/demonic attachments requires a multifaceted approach to spiritual wellness. Creating a safe and empowered spiritual environment is essential. Moreover, it's vital to understand a fundamental truth:
Negative entities are repelled by the vibrations of love and gratitude.

As spiritual beings, we possess inherent strength when we resonate in love and gratitude. Negative entities can only exert harm upon us if we believe it to be so and consistently resonate in negativity. Therefore, cultivating a mindset of love and gratitude is essential for both avoiding and dispelling negative entities
Establishing energetic boundaries, practicing grounding techniques, and invoking divine protection can also help ward off malevolent influences.
Additionally, maintaining a healthy diet and surrounding oneself with positive influences are crucial for cultivating a resilient spiritual immune system.
These beings know that we are all telepathic, and they take advantage of this fact by feeding thoughts to people. They know that often a person will think these thoughts are there own, and fear they are defective in some way because of them. Frequently, and understandably, many are reluctant to speak about these experiences to other people.
Maintaining a healthy diet, establishing energetic boundaries, and connecting with nature can also help strengthen spiritual resilience.
By staying aligned with the higher aspects of our being, we close the door to negative entities, rendering them powerless in our lives.
Here are 6 Ways to Protect Yourself and Repel Negative Entities
1—Practice Daily Spiritual Cleansing
Use tools like sage, palo santo, incense, crystals and/or essential oils to cleanse your living space and aura regularly. Visualization techniques, such as imagining protective light surrounding you, can also be very powerful.
2—Maintain a Positive Mindset
Focus on elevating your thoughts and emotions. Engage in activities that bring joy, peace, and love. The higher your vibrational state, the less susceptible you are to negative influences. Connect as much as possible with other spiritually minded people that can offer support in times of difficulty.
3—Strengthen Your Spiritual Practices
Regular meditation, prayer, or chanting can help you stay connected to higher spiritual energies, making it harder for negative entities to attach themselves to you.
Create a daily practice of thanking your spiritual guides, guardian angels, and/or another higher power (such as Archangel Michael or the Christ energies) for protection and assistance. You can invoke these benevolent beings by simply thanking them for their presence, guidance, and protection.
4—Set Strong Boundaries and Command Your Space
Verbally and mentally set clear intentions that negative entities are not welcome in your space. You can say something like, “I command all negative energies to leave this space now and never return.” Without anger, resentment, or fear, you can assertively declare that you do not consent to any form of intrusion or interference in your energy field or physical space.
This really works if you believe it and remember that you as a divine spiritual human are much stronger than these negative entities and that they are repelled by our empowerment and ability to love.
5—Seek Support from Spiritual Practitioners
If you feel overwhelmed or unable to clear an attachment on your own, seek help from a trusted spiritual healer or psychic counselor who can guide you through the process of removal and protection. At Sacred Awaken, I can help with this process and assist with these situations on a case by case basis.
6—Grounding and Connection with Nature
Regular grounding practices are essential for maintaining a strong and vibrant aura, ensuring optimal energy flow and protection against energetic disturbances. Work on fostering a deep connection with nature by spending time outdoors, exploring natural surroundings, and connecting with the elements.
Nature has a healing and protective energy that can strengthen our spiritual resilience. Grounding, also known as Earthing, facilitates a harmonious exchange of energy between the physical body and the Earth's electromagnetic field, which in turn strengthens the aura.
When we connect with the Earth's energy through direct contact, such as walking barefoot on grass or soil, we absorb an abundance of negative ions, which are beneficial for our overall well-being. These negative ions help to neutralize excess positive charges in the body and help cleanse the aura of energetic debris, promoting balance and vitality.

Special Considerations for Children and Lightworkers
Negative entities may attach to children due to their innocence and openness, while they may target lightworkers to disrupt their spiritual progress and mission. It’s important to be assured and to reassure children that we are never alone and have the power within ourselves to overcome challenges in our spiritual journeys.
Encourage open communication and provide a supportive environment where the affected individual feels free to express their thoughts, fears, and experiences without fear of judgement, ridicule, or punishment.
In my experience, introducing children to the concept of guardian angels and spirit guides has proven to be one of the most impactful methods for fostering empowerment.
In Summary: Embracing the Light and Overcoming Darkness
In conclusion, negative energies and entities - including demonic attachments - represent complex manifestations of spiritual forces that can challenge our understanding of the universe and our mission as spirits having a human experience.
By exploring their origins, effects, and manifestations, people can empower themselves to navigate these realms with better clarity and resilience.
Remember, the power to overcome such challenges lies within you, if you embrace guidance from the light of divine love and wisdom.
Through spiritual awareness, emotional resilience, and a steadfast commitment to inner growth, we can transcend the shadows and embrace the boundless possibilities of the human spirit.
Do you need help removing negative entities? I'm an experienced medium who can assist you remotely or in person. Book a session here.