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Private and Group Sound Baths

Everything is energy vibrating at different frequencies.


When we entrain with healing frequencies and harmonic resonance, we vibrate our bodies, minds and spirit into healing.

Group Sound Baths

June Sound Baths

Saturday, June 15

1-2:15 pm & 3-4:15 pm


Immerse yourself in healing sound!
The vibrations of Light Language, quartz crystal and Tibetan singing bowls, gong music, and Solfeggio chimes will help lead you into a meditative state and begin to shift discordant energy patterns, bringing your body into a state of activation and better balance.


Sound healing offers numerous benefits including relaxation and rejuvenation, lowered levels of stress and anxiety, alleviation of pain, enhanced mood and sense of well-being, improved sleep, heightened focus and energy levels, as well as the opening of chakras and expansion of the aura.

$30 per person.
Advanced Registration Required.

Please bring a blanket, pillow, and anything else you need for comfort (eye cover, water, etc.).

Yoga mats and folding recliners will be provided.

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Private Sound Baths

Honor your body, mind & spirit with a private & sacred sound bath that includes 14 singing bowls (crystal & Tibetan), Solfeggio chimes, a solar flare gong tuned to the Root Chakra & channeled Light Language frequencies for strengthening & balancing of Chakras, Meridians, Aura, brain energy & more!

Sound is an ancient form of healing that transforms us on all levels - physical, emotional & spiritual. Light Language brings us into a higher vibrational state for a profound level of healing & activation of our spiritual gifts.

I am a psychic nurse with 30 years of professional experience & the ability to sense & make adjustments in the energy fields of others by combining my knowledge of Reiki & Energy Medicine with the ability to channel energy and work with the higher selves of others.​

What to Expect at a Sacred Awaken Sound Bath

Singing Bowls

Sound therapy with singing bowls has been used for centuries to induce deep relaxation and healing. The vibrations they produce can help align and balance your energy centers, or chakras, bringing about a sense of harmony within. Crystal and Tibetan bowls will be used in this session.

Solfeggio Chimes

The Solfeggio frequencies are ancient tones that have been said to carry powerful healing properties. These chimes are designed to tap into these frequencies, helping to clear emotional blockages and restore inner equilibrium.

Gong Music

The deep, reverberating sound of gongs has a profound impact on the mind and body. It can take you on a journey of self-discovery, unlocking hidden insights and releasing stagnant energy.

Light Language

Light Language is a transcendent form of communication that resonates with the soul. When channeled in a Sound Bath Meditation, it adds a layer of spiritual depth and transformation to the experience, facilitating profound shifts in consciousness.

Leaves Shadow

Benefits of the Solfeggio Frequencies:
174 Hz - Natural anesthetic, reduces pain
285 Hz - Restructures damaged organs
396 Hz - Liberating guilt & fear
417 Hz - Facilitating change
528 Hz - Transformation & miracles (DNA repair)
639 Hz - Reconnecting & balancing relationships
741 Hz - Solving problems
852 Hz - Awakening intuition
963 Hz - Reconnects us to Spirit

Benefits of Light Language:
Strengthened communication with Higher Self
Releases emotions that no longer serve you
Reinforces positive thought patterns
Increases intuition
Activates psychic gifts
Helps realign to your soul purpose
Strengthens chakras, aura & entire energy system


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