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Interdimensional Beings: Rethinking Aliens, Guides, and the Divine Truth

an angel looking through a portal

In modern culture, there is a tendency for some to label aliens and extraterrestrials (ET's) as spirit guides and spirit guides as aliens, leading to confusion about both. Additionally, there is widespread misunderstanding and misinformation about the nature of their travel and interactions with humanity.

This article explores the interdimensional nature of what are commonly called aliens and ET's, their true origins, and nature of their interactions with humanity.

It may surprise you to know that what most call aliens and and ET's are not "space travelers" in the traditional sense, but rather interdimensional beings who manipulate energy and consciousness to navigate between realms and interact with our physical reality, bypassing the need for physical spaceships and technology and communicating with humanity primarily through telepathy, whether or not humans are aware of it.

Additionally, In recent years, the portrayal of divine beings such as angels, celestial messengers, guides, and other interdimensional entities has shifted significantly, with many now reframing these beings as "aliens" or ET's entering our physical realm. While this perspective may be intriguing, it can obscure the deeper truth of these beings' origins and purposes.


Dimensions as States of Consciousness, Not Physical Realms

In the realm of modern metaphysics, the term "dimension" is often used to describe separate, distinct realms or planes of existence, but I think that is not quite accurate... In Tom Campbell's work, My Big TOE (Theory of Everything), dimensions are not separate physical locations or alternate universes. Instead, they represent different levels of consciousness, states of awareness, or degrees of complexity within the larger, interconnected system of reality.

Campbell's model—the one that resonates with me most as an out of body and spiritual explorer—posits that reality is a vast network of consciousness where experience and perception are shaped by the level of awareness an entity or individual operates within. These levels are not confined to spatial boundaries or physical realms, but rather reflect the depth and sophistication of consciousness and the varying degrees of vibrational frequency and complexity:

  • Lower dimensions correspond to states of awareness that are more limited and less complex, such as our everyday physical reality. In these dimensions, consciousness operates within the constraints of time, space, and materialism.

  • Higher dimensions represent states of greater awareness, where consciousness is less bound by the limitations of physical reality. In these higher-dimensional spaces, beings can experience more complex interactions, deeper connections, and access to a broader spectrum of information (what we call psychic, mediumship, and healer abilities).

Thus, rather than thinking of dimensions as distinct, physical realms, it seems more accurate to view them as different levels of consciousness—akin to the layers of an onion, with each dimension offering a different perspective or way of experiencing reality.

a person looking through a stargate

What Does It Mean to Be Interdimensional?

Interdimensional beings exist beyond the limitations of physical reality. They inhabit realms that vibrate at frequencies outside the range of ordinary human perception (although, with practice, we can learn to tune in). Unlike traditional depictions of aliens as voyagers in spaceships, these beings move between realities by manipulating energy and consciousness.

This perspective sheds light on phenomena often associated with UFO sightings, such as sudden appearances, defiance of physical laws, and the surreal nature of encounters where these occurrences reflect an interdimensional manipulation of energy and perception rather than physical travel through space. This also aligns with my own experiences of being repeatedly abducted as a child, a phenomenon shared by many others. Such abductions highlight how these beings operate on a level that transcends physical reality, often targeting the consciousness rather than the physical body. Our consciousness can be "taken" or manipulated, creating vivid, lifelike experiences that feel as real as physical events, even though the body usually remains untouched—which brings me to the next point: Humans are also inherently interdimensional beings.

We are spiritual beings projecting our souls into the Earth realm to have a human experience. This physical existence allows us to explore, learn, and grow, but it is not the totality of who we are. Beyond the confines of the physical body, our soul is a fully engaged participant in this reality, yet it simultaneously remains an infinite, expansive, and vibrational force that transcends time and space.

Through sleep, dreams, meditation, out of body and astral travel, as well as other altered states of awareness, humans are accessing higher dimensions and connecting to realms that vibrate at frequencies beyond ordinary perception.

This interdimensional nature is a core aspect of our spiritual essence, allowing us to interact with other realms and beings, whether consciously or unconsciously. Recognizing this truth empowers us to explore our own multidimensionality and embrace the vast potential of our existence, bridging the physical and the spiritual in profound ways.

an image of earth coming out of water

Interdimensional Beings as Spirit Guides and Helpers

Ancient texts and spiritual traditions speak of luminous beings—angels, guides, and celestial messengers—dedicated to supporting humanity's spiritual growth and evolution. In contemporary times, some interpret these beings as extraterrestrial entities, which can shift focus away from their role as divine guides. While it's possible that some helpers and guides may come from past lives or other realms, it's essential to honor their spiritual essence without confining them to specific labels. This perspective encourages a deeper understanding and respect for the diverse ways they may interact with us, beyond current trends in spiritual culture.

Discerning Guides and Helpers from Negative Beings

It is also important to understand that not all interdimensional beings have humanity's highest good in mind. Some operate from lower vibrational realms and may seek to manipulate or deceive, feeding off fear, confusion, or dependency. These beings often present themselves as benevolent or authoritative, exploiting humanity’s desire for guidance or salvation. They may impose their will, subtly erode free will, and create false narratives that distract us from our own inner truth and connection to Source.

It’s important to understand that our guides will never come from a place of being "higher than" or "better than" us. They seek to empower us, not to dominate or control. Their guidance is not about telling us what to do, but about offering support and wisdom for our own discernment. They are not here to save us, as we possess free will as well as the innate power to heal and evolve. Our relationship with them is one of partnership, where they assist us in awakening our own inner strength and divine potential, never imposing their will, but encouraging us to trust our own connection to Source.

Understanding the nature of interdimensional beings requires discernment and a strong connection to our intuition and inner light. It’s essential to trust our intuition and the frequency of love as the ultimate guides—those operating from lower vibrations cannot resonate with the unconditional love and light of Source. By maintaining awareness and sovereignty, we can navigate these interactions with clarity, recognizing and rejecting influences that do not serve our highest good.


Experiences of Interdimensional Contact

Humans can naturally, without the aid of mind-altering substances, connect with interdimensional beings that can assist us through expanded states of consciousness. This connection often manifests in the following ways:

  • Meditation and Prayer: Moments of heightened awareness align us with higher frequencies, facilitating communication.

  • Vibrational Shifts: Encounters often involve shifts in energy, accompanied by feelings of unconditional love, peace, and even bliss.

  • Dreams and Altered States: These act as gateways to higher dimensions, offering profound spiritual insights and opportunities for healing. In some cases, individuals may perceive themselves aboard a spaceship during these experiences, a construct shaped by interdimensional systems to align with their expectations and cultural frameworks.

    I can say from personal experience that these encounters feel just as "real" as what we call the physical world. Being out of the body with an interdimensional is very real, though it may be described differently based on our unique consciousness, beliefs, and past experiences. For example, one person might perceive an angel within a spaceship, reflecting their specific worldview while another may experience flying freely around with an angel or other guide.

  • Telepathic Communication: By learning to attune to our intuitive channels and with repeated practice, we can engage directly and telepathically with these beings beyond physical boundaries.

  • Epiphanies: Messages received through spirit communication often bring profound epiphanies.

  • Light Language and Speaking in Tongues: These phenomena are often examples of interdimensional contact. Light language, a vibrational form of communication, resonates directly with the soul, conveying frequencies that can heal, activate dormant DNA, and facilitate spiritual transformation. Similarly, speaking in tongues, traditionally viewed through a religious lens, can be understood as tapping into interdimensional frequencies, allowing the speaker to channel divine energy or communicate with higher realms. These experiences demonstrate the profound potential of humanity to act as conduits for universal wisdom and interdimensional connection.

  • Seeing and Feeling Them: Many of us can feel their touch and see these beings with the physical eyes open or closed in different ways—from orbs and lights to actual detailed forms.

  • Spontaneous Healing: Healing from angels and other interdimensional beings can occur spontaneously, both when we thank them for it and often when we least expect it. These beings, who exist in higher vibrational realms, possess the ability to channel healing energy that transcends physical limitations. Through their presence and guidance, we may experience profound shifts in our energy, emotions, and even our physical body.

    Such healing may happen during moments of deep meditation, prayer, or even in dreams, where the veil between dimensions is thin. Angels, in particular, are known for their nurturing energy, offering comfort, restoration, and balance to those who call upon them. Their healing presence can dissolve emotional blockages, release old wounds, and realign our energy with our highest good. Interdimensional beings, too, bring healing through vibrations and frequencies that resonate with our soul, often facilitating the release of limiting beliefs or past traumas that hinder our growth.

  • Spiritual Awakening: Interdimensional beings frequently assist in awakening latent spiritual gifts, guiding humanity toward higher states of awareness and evolution.


What About Alien UFO Sightings?

an angel under a ufo

UFO sightings, whether experienced individually or as part of a mass event, occur when one or more individuals connect to a shared stream of consciousness, receiving information or perceptions from a higher or non-physical source.

If our reality operates as somewhat of a virtual construct, where our individual consciousnesses are primary participants, then during mass sightings, the shared experience reflects a collective interaction with a unified data stream provided by another source or system of consciousness.

This understanding challenges traditional notions of physical reality, invites us to view such events as shared perceptual experiences, encourages us to explore the interconnected nature of consciousness and our divinity as well as to recognize how collective experiences shape our understanding of the interdimensional realm.

A Word of Caution ⚠️

What is currently happening in our world with regard to alien "disclosure" underscores the importance of discernment in navigating these experiences.

It’s important to exercise caution, especially during a time when a false alien invasion psyop may be underway. Not all UFO phenomena are legitimate; some may stem from nefarious sources within our realm.

True "extraterrestrials" are interdimensional beings, not bound to physical ships, and they communicate telepathically, bypassing the need for technology.

Understanding this distinction is key to recognizing the difference between genuine spiritual encounters and manufactured events.


Conclusion: Rediscovering Our Divine Essence

The labeling of aliens as spirit guides and interdimensional beings as aliens may align with modern curiosity, but based on my studies and spiritual experiences, I do not believe either to be completely accurate.

Additionally, it tends to overlook the sacred essence of interdimensional entities—many of whom are our guardian angels, spiritual guides, and members of our soul family. It also diverts attention from the genuine threat posed by lower vibrational entities that exist in our realm, just beyond the reach of ordinary human perception.

At Sacred Awaken, I encourage you to explore these realms through spiritual practice and conscious growth. The journey to understanding interdimensionality is ultimately a journey back to your own divine truth—a path of love, connection, and infinite possibility.

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